Sunday, September 28, 2008

Strawberry Meth...

I came across some disturbing information last night that I wanted to share. There seems to be a new form of crystal meth that is targeting children. Officials state that the new meth smells and tastes like strawberry candy. The crystal meth is packaged to look like pop rocks or pixie sticks which is extremely appealing the kids. Anyone who reads this make sure to get the word out. Remember - Halloween is coming, double check the candy!


Eguy said...

I have heard about this too. Meth dealers are some sick people so it does not surprise me that they would try and appeal to younger kids. You should check out my blog called if you want to see how messed up some of these dealers are.

The Claussen's said...

Thanks for the comment eguy. I agree, it takes a sick individual to manufacture such a devastating drug, but to target children is incomprehensible.

The Claussen's said...
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